Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thank You To all

I just want to say a special thank you to all who have visited my new website and have actually returned books we are looking for. the Website is This is where you can learn what we are looking for and thankfully some of you are logging on and actually returning some of the books we are looking for for our customers. A special thank you for the ones who returned the Harry Potter books. We now have in our shopping center a Plaster Fun Time, which is bringing in a lot of children. We are now noticing that our childrens section is growing. If you have childrens books that are no longer being read, and are gently used, please return them to us for credit. We are still looking for the Harry Potters, #5,6,7. We have a several people bring back 1-4. Children of all ages are interested in this series, and they are always being accepted at Annies in Waltham.
We are still looking for all true crime books. Where are they? Please all you gory readers, return after you read these.