Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Some of you are wondering why in the world we don't take your books on any particular day, and I hope this clears it up. If we have about 10 copies of a certain title, we have a tendency to not want eleven, given that we are just a small store and have issues of storage. That being said, we do have several authors that people tend to buy over and over. Go figure! I won't list all of the authors and titles, but will just list a few for now. Also within these authors, there are titles that we don't need. OK Here we go:
David Baldacci - Camel Club, Christmas Train, Collectors, Hour Game, Saving Faith, Simple Truth, Total Control, Winner, Wish you Well, Simple Genius
Maeve Binchy - Copper Beech,Firefly Summer,London Transport, Quentins,Silver Wedding, This Year Will Be Different, Whitethorn Woods
Michael Connelly - Angels Flight(We have none), Black Ice(none), Black Echo,Concrete Blonde, Darkness More than Night, Echo Park, Last Coyote, Narrows, Overlook,Trunk Music, Void Moon
Nelson Demille - By the Rivers of Babylon, Cathedral,Charm School, Gold Coast, Lion's Game, Mayday, Talbot Odyssey, Wildfire
John Grisham - The Firm, and The Partner,Bleachers, Brethren, Skipping Christmas,Street Lawyer, Summons, Time to Kill, Innocent Man
James Patterson - currently our most popular author, 1st to Die, 2nd Chance, 5th Horseman, Black Friday, Cradle and All, Kiss the Girls, Maximum Ride(Schools out Forever), and Maximum Ride (Angel Experiment), Miracle on the 17th Green, Pop Goes the Weasel, Quickie, Season of the Machete, Thomas Berryman Number, Violets are Blue, 6th Target
Nora Roberts - #1 Romance Author, but we are overwhelmed with some titles. We do need: Black Rose, Blue Smoke, Born in Fire, Born in Ice, Born in Shame, Brazen Virtue, Captivated, Captive Star, Carolina Moon, Charmed and Enchanted, Chesapeake Blue, Considering Kate, Cordina's Crown Jewel, Dance Upon the Air, Daring to Dream, Enchanted, Engaging the Enemy, Entranced, Face the Fire, Finding the Dream, From the Heart, From this Day, Genuine Lies, The Gift, Going Home, Heart of the Sea, Heaven and Earth, Hidden Riches,Honest Illusions,Irish Hearts, Jewels of the Sun,Lawless, Less of a Stranger, MacGregor Grooms, MacGregors Rovert and Cybil, Montana Sky, Perfect Neighbor, Private Scandals, Public Secrets, The Reef,Rivers End, Secret Star, Skin Deep. Spellbound, Stanislaski Sisters, Sullivans Woman, Tears of the Moon, Untamed, The Villa, Winning Hand and of course the new ones, Blood Brothers, and the Hollow.
Stuart Woods - OMG! Where are all the older ones? Chiefs, Dark Harbor, Dead Eyes, Dead in the Water, Deep Lie Fresh Disasters, Grass Roots, Heat, Imperfect Strangers, LA Times, New York Dead, Orchid Beach,Palindrome, Run Before the Wind, Santa Fe Rules, Under the Lake, White Cargo, Short Straw, and the new one Shoot Him if He Runs.
Those are some of the authors we do save regularly because of their popularity, Also looking for Janet Evanovitch's One for the Money, and Two for the Dough, Hot Six.
We also would like you to search your bookshelves for your True Crime, and your biographies, in paperback only please. We have enough Ann Rule, but there are a lot more true crimes out there - Let's recycle!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Blog!!!! Lot's of wonderful information and quite the store.